NEWS: Distributed energy resources
Snuller Price Provides Tutorial on Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for Energy Efficiency

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July 7, 2017

Senior Partner Snuller Price provided an overview of energy efficiency cost effectiveness methods in an online seminar for state energy officials, evaluation consultants, utilities and other stakeholders. Mr. Price reviewed the basics of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis and then walked through the tests included in the Standard Practice Manual highlighting fundamental choices for states and program administrators. Issues he discussed included choosing the appropriate test for the question at hand, significance of low energy prices for the energy efficiency community, and net versus gross savings.

The online seminar was part of a series sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Electricity Policy Technical Assistance Program and facilitated by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to support states considering and implementing evaluation, measurement, and verification of energy efficiency programs. Mr. Price has supported DOE and EPA on cost-effectiveness since 2005.

DOE has posted Mr. Price’s presentation and a recording of the webinar.

filed under: Distributed energy resources

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