NEWS: Distributed energy resources, Renewables
Smart Grid in India

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March 6, 2018

E3 is kicking off a 17-month project this month to bring its advanced distributed energy resource (DER) analysis to India. E3 will be working directly with Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited (Tata Power DDL) in a project funded by the U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA). The goal of the project is to identify high value applications including electric vehicles, storage, and demand response for integration into distribution planning and operations that can reduce costs for Tata Power’s customers.   This project follows an earlier USTDA project for Tata Power DDL where E3 focused on solar PV deployment in Delhi.  For more information, see the USTDA press release. E3’s Senior Partner Snuller Price and Director Lakshmi Alagappan will lead the work.


filed under: Distributed energy resources, Renewables

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