NEWS: Resource planning
Advanced Energy Economy 2015

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August 8, 2015

Dr. Nancy Ryan, E3’s Senior Director of Policy and Strategy, addressed the Advanced Energy Economy (AEE) 2015 California event. Speaking to an audience of 300 professionals from clean energy companies, utilities and regulatory agencies, Dr. Ryan highlighted key findings from E3’s recent analysis for Governor Brown and his Energy Principals on California Pathways: Long-Term Greenhouse Gas Reduction Scenarios for California.

The main message of our work, she explained, is that meeting Governor Brown’s goal of reducing California’s GHG emissions to 40% below the 1990 level is feasible with technologies that are available today. Nor is it necessary to sacrifice the reliability of our electric system or our lifestyles and living standards. What is daunting, Dr. Ryan observed, is the scale and scope of the transformation of California’s economy. Four key transformations are needed in the energy system by 2030: doubling the current rate of energy efficiency improvements, increasing renewable energy’s share of our electricity supply to at least 50%, electrification of vehicles and equipment, and replacing fossil fuels with biofuels of decarbonized gas. This transformation will open huge new markets for the clean tech companies leading the way to the advanced energy economy. With this opportunity comes the challenge to offer products that are not just cleaner than today’s options, but are also cheaper and better quality, so they become the natural choice for consumers. E3 was proud to be a Gold level sponsor for the AEE event.

filed under: Resource planning

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