We recognize the history of racial injustice and systemic discrimination that continues to plague our society. We feel a sense of responsibility to ensure that our workplace empowers people from all backgrounds to show up to work as themselves and to excel. Developing a diverse workplace is the right thing to do, and diverse perspectives and skills are needed to tackle the most challenging problems we face in the energy industry today, including an equitable transition to a clean energy future.
We are committed to the following initiatives, which will continue to take shape and evolve as we grow as individuals and as an organization in 2021 and beyond.
Culture: Reinforce a culture of equity and belonging
We commit to confronting the history of racial injustice and other forms of discrimination that exist within ourselves, society, and in the workplace so that we can be inclusive allies and leaders. To do so, we commit to listening carefully to one another, to our clients, and to our stakeholders and, whenever needed, standing up against all forms of discrimination to ensure that our work environment is safe for everyone.
Recruitment, Development, & Retention: Empower our underrepresented people to excel and lead
We commit to understanding the root causes of and removing the obstacles to the hiring, progression, and retention of underrepresented groups at E3. To that end, we commit to conducting an annual compensation, promotion, and succession planning assessment to ensure that E3 is empowering all of its people. Finally, we commit to partnering with historically Black colleges, historically Hispanic colleges, and professional organizations who support the advancement of women and minorities.
Community & Partnerships: Build relationships with diverse, mission driven organizations to elevate climate equity
In our work going forward, we commit to partnering with a larger percentage of minority and women-owned businesses and other historically underrepresented groups. We also pledge to seek out opportunities to provide discounted or pro-bono services to groups supporting the advancement of energy equity, climate justice, and environmental justice. Finally, we will support underrepresented groups in our communities by developing energy and environmental curricula, through mentorship, training opportunities, and guest lectures.