NEWS: Energy markets
Business Case for Rural Solar Microgrids in India

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February 5, 2015

E3 in collaboration with a world class team has released a study, “Assessing the business case for rural solar microgrids in India: a case study approach“, funded by a USTDA grant in support of Azure Power, a private solar power developer based in India. E3 was awarded the grant through a competitive process. The project developed the technical and business solutions for AC-based microgrids, using two Indian villages (Bar in Chhattisgarh and Devari Bharat in Uttar Pradesh) as case studies, and presents recommendations and conditions necessary to scale up microgrid solutions more broadly across rural India.

The study was led by Dr. Priya Sreedharan of E3 in collaboration with Humboldt State University’s Schatz Energy Research Center, Black and Veatch USA and India, Varesh Energy, Dr. Chris Greacen, Christopher Freitas, and Ranjit Deshmukh. Contributing authors include E3’s Ryan Jones, Michele Chait, Dr. Fritz Kahrl and Snuller Price; Black and Veatch’s Jagmeet Khangura and Atul Garg; Humboldt State University’s Richard Engel, Brendon Mendonca, Tom Quetchenbach, Meg Harper and Dr. Arne Jacobson; Varesh’s Shobhit Goel and Varun Aggarwal.

filed under: Energy markets

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