Distributed energy resources
News and Notes

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Forbes Cites E3’s EV Analysis

March 16, 2019

Forbes recently cited E3’s electric vehicle (EV) analysis as part of a trend of “finding benefits to society – especially to electric ratepayers …

E3 Helps Oman’s Electricity Regulator Prepare for Electric Vehicles

December 19, 2018

Globally, prices for light-duty plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) are falling while their driving ranges are increasing, with some models now …

E3 Develops Rate Structures for Widespread Transit Electrification

November 21, 2018

In a recent study for the California Transit Association (CTA), E3 found that electric rate structures optimal for managed, “smart” …

E3 Analysis Highlights Importance of Dynamic Rates for DER Customers

September 20, 2018

In their recent evaluation of California’s Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) for customer-sited energy storage projects, Itron and E3 found that …

E3 Helps New York Develop Path to Achieve Nation-Leading Energy Storage Target

July 10, 2018

E3 is pleased to announce the release of New York State Energy Storage Roadmap, prepared by the New York State …

E3 Helps Hawaiian Utility Electrify Transportation

April 17, 2018

In an industry-leading move, the Hawaiian Electric companies recently published a comprehensive, long-term Strategic Roadmap to jumpstart electric transportation in …

Smart Grid in India

March 6, 2018

E3 is kicking off a 17-month project this month to bring its advanced distributed energy resource (DER) analysis to India. …

Eric Cutter, E3 Director of Distributed Energy Resources will present at Storage Week in San Francisco, February 27, 2018

February 9, 2018

Eric Cutter, Director of Distributed Energy Resources will be presenting on the value of bidding storage into Independent System Operator …

E3 Experts to participate in the 3rd EVs & the Grid Summit

October 11, 2017

Nancy Ryan, Eric Cutter, Michele Chait, and Lucy McKenzie will participate in the 3rd EVs and the Grid Summit in …

Snuller Price Provides Tutorial on Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for Energy Efficiency

July 7, 2017

Senior Partner Snuller Price provided an overview of energy efficiency cost effectiveness methods in an online seminar for state energy …

E3 Experts Present on Rate Design and Smart Charging of Electric Vehicles

July 5, 2017

E3 Director Michele Chait and Senior Consultant Lucy McKenzie spoke about rate design for electric vehicles and smart charging at …

California Air Resources Board (CARB) Scoping Plan

January 24, 2017

In January 2017, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) issued their proposed plan to achieve the most ambitious reduction in …

Valuing Distributed Energy Resources

September 5, 2014

Kush Patel of E3 presented on developing a cost-benefit methodology for valuing distributed energy resources (DER) at the August 25-26th …

Natural Gas Infrastructure Adequacy in the Western Interconnection

August 5, 2014

E3 and DNV GL completed the second phase of their investigation into the adequacy of gas infrastructure to meet the …

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