NEWS: Energy and environmental policy
E3 Evaluates Decarbonization Pathways for New York State

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July 6, 2020

On June 24, 2020, E3 presented to New York’s Climate Action Council (CAC) on preliminary results of a deep decarbonization analysis for the State. E3 has developed initial scenarios showing how the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) goal for New York to become carbon neutral by mid-century could be advanced. The CLCPA, enacted in 2019, sets goals for the state to reach 70% renewable electricity by 2030, 100% zero-emissions electricity by 2040, and an 85% reduction in total state GHG emissions by 2050. This work includes a detailed analysis of buildings, transportation, industry, electricity generation, non-combustion, and negative emissions using E3’s suite of modeling tools.

  • The RESOLVE model was used to evaluate portfolios for the State zero-emissions electricity goal; 
  • The RECAP model was used to evaluate the contribution of renewables and battery storage to reliability at increasing penetrations; and
  • The PATHWAYS model was used to evaluate economy-wide emissions reductions and detailed transformations in buildings and transportation.

E3 looks forward to supporting the CAC going forward as they work to develop a Scoping Plan to address the targets set in the CLCPA. Presentation materials and supporting documentation are available online:

filed under: Energy and environmental policy

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