In a groundbreaking analysis for New York, E3 found that at least 275 MW of the state’s fossil-fueled peaking units, or about 6% of total fleetwide rated capacity, could be replaced by six‐hour energy storage, and that over 500 MW of these units could be replaced by eight‐hour storage.
E3’s study, which followed from the Public Service Commission’s energy storage deployment order late last year, was a statewide, unit-by-unit analysis of New York’s peaker fleet “to identify potential candidates for repowering or replacement with energy storage and/or clean resources.”
New York’s ambitious clean energy goals – reducing GHG emissions 40% by 2030 and shifting to 100% clean electricity by 2040 – have focused attention on the state’s fossil-fuel generators, starting with its least efficient peaking units. New air pollution rules targeting these units were proposed earlier this year.
To conduct the study, E3 first developed hourly historical operations and emissions profiles for all of New York’s conventional peaking units, defined as fossil‐fuel generators with low utilization that typically operate during periods of high demand.
E3 then fed this data into its energy storage dispatch tool, RESTORE, which simulates optimal storage dispatch – either on a standalone basis, or paired with solar – in response to different price signals and constraints.
The resulting storage operational profiles were then compared to historical peaker operations to determine whether storage can fully displace a unit’s generation or bring it into compliance with local air pollution limits.
Pairing six-hour storage with solar could enable the replacement or hybridization of about 1,800 MW of peaker units subject to New York’s new proposed air pollution rules, E3 found. (“Hybridization” refers to pairing storage with a peaker unit and displacing some of its generation.)
The study continued E3’s work to help New York understand the role energy storage can play in its energy future. In 2018, E3 developed the New York State Energy Storage Roadmap in collaboration with the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) and Department of Public Service (DPS).
Full Report
“The Potential for Energy Storage to Repower or Replace Peaking Units in New York State” (PDF)
UtilityDive, “New York regulators assess potential for storage to replace peaking units in the state“
NRDC Expert Blog (Samantha Witt), “Storage Can Help Meet New York’s Peak Power Needs“