Globally, prices for light-duty plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) are falling while their driving ranges are increasing, with some models now traveling more than 200 miles on a single charge. Automakers have announced plans to sell more than 120 PEV models by 2020, and PEVs may reach upfront price parity with internal combustion engine vehicles by 2025.
Motivated in part by robust projected growth in the market for PEVs, the Authority for Electricity Regulation, Oman (AER) recently engaged E3 and subcontractor Baringa Partners to survey international best practices and recommend actions the Sultanate of Oman can take to prepare for PEV penetration.
E3’s study surveyed North America, Europe, the Middle East, and China to distill international best practices in preparing for and promoting PEV adoption, including how countries have overcome adoption barriers, addressed data privacy and security concerns, and maintained safety and power quality.
The study also focused on regulatory issues in two key areas: ownership of electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) and business models for electric vehicle service providers (EVSPs). Questions for regulators include whether EVSPs are regulated as suppliers, whether utilities are allowed to own EVSE, and how to ensure non-discriminatory network access.
Among international jurisdictions actively promoting PEV adoption, E3’s study identified a range of best-practice options including:
- Setting adoption targets
- Offering PEV purchasing incentives
- Exemptions from certain government fees
- Access to dedicated high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes
- Free or discounted parking
- Preferential treatment in vehicle registration lotteries
- PEV-friendly building codes
- Consumer education programs
- Allowing utility ownership of chargers (EVSE)
E3 engaged with a wide variety of stakeholders in Oman – including government ministries, car manufacturers, transit providers, and PEV owners – and considered country-specific economic, social, climatic and regulatory factors in developing its recommendations.
AER published an English-language version of the report in December 2018. The report and AER’s ongoing work on PEVs have received press coverage in the Oman Observer, Muscat Daily, Times of Oman, and ArabianIndustry.com.
E3 experts Michele Chait and Lucy McKenzie conducted the study.