NEWS: Cost of service and rate design, Resource planning
Full Value Tariff Design and Retail Rate Choices

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April 19, 2016

E3’s recently released Full Value Tariff Design and Retail Rate Choices Report, sponsored by New York State Energy Research and Development Authority Department (NYSERDA) and NY Department of Public Staff, proposes a practical ‘full value’ tariff (FVT) and explores transition paths that can be used for its implementation.

To evaluate the effects of a FVT, a New York-specific ‘smart home’ model was developed to evaluate customer behavior and the value proposition of key DER technologies that can potentially respond to dynamic prices sent through retail rates such as those under existing default rates, existing time-of-use (TOU) rates, and the proposed FVT or ‘smart’ rates that are more area- and time-specific. Solar PV, air conditioning energy efficiency, customer conservation, smart heating/cooling, and smart charging of electric vehicles were all evaluated.

filed under: Cost of service and rate design, Resource planning

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