News and Notes

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Water-Energy Avoided Cost Framework

July 9, 2014

Eric Cutter, Ben Haley, Jim Williams and C.K. Woo of E3 were coauthors on a recent article describing a water-energy …

Pathways to Deep Decarbonization Study

July 5, 2014

E3 has played a leading role in a new landmark study of what is technically required to deeply reduce global …

California Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) Lessons Learned

June 5, 2014

E3's Director of Policy and Strategy, Dr. Nancy Ryan, a former member of the California Public Utilities Commission, joined current …

DER Plan for North Delhi

June 5, 2014

E3 has been selected by the Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited (TPDDL), a leading electricity distribution company in India, to …

Valuing Energy Storage as a Flexible Resource

June 5, 2014

E3 wrote a paper "Valuing Energy Storage as a Flexible Resource" that was submitted as comments in the CPUC Proceeding …

Utility Scale Energy Storage Paper

April 5, 2014

Eric Cutter, Ben Haley, Jeremy Hargreaves and Jim Williams of E3 were co-authors on a recent paper "Utility scale energy …

E3 Helps Port of Long Beach Save $350 Million

March 24, 2014

E3 helped the Port of Long Beach, the second-busiest port in the nation, obtain electric rate discounts and a program …

First Phase: Adequacy of Gas Infrastructure Investigation

March 12, 2014

E3 and DNV GL completed the first phase of their investigation into the adequacy of gas infrastructure to meet the …

E3 Addresses Plug-in Electric Vehicle Collaborative in San Diego

March 5, 2014

Nancy Ryan, E3's Director of Policy and Strategy, was invited to address the March 11 meeting of the Plug-in Electric …

National Symposium on Market Transformation

March 5, 2014

Amber Mahone, senior consultant at E3, was invited to present on an energy efficiency panel at ACEEE's 2014 National Symposium …

Wholesale Electricity Prices in the Texas (ERCOT) Market

February 17, 2014

Texas's wholesale electricity market has undergone major regulatory changes over the past two decades. E3 Senior Partner Dr. C.K. Woo …

Are Residential Customers Price-Responsive to an Inclining Block Rate?

February 8, 2014

Dr. Ren Orans, Dr. C.K. Woo and Jenya Kahn-Lang of E3 were co-authors on a recent paper "Are Residential Customers …

Review of Electricity Product Differentiation Published

December 20, 2013

Dr. C.K. Woo, Dr. Priya Sreedharan, Dr. Jeremy Hargreaves, and Dr. Fredrich Kahrl of E3 were co-authors on a recent …

California Climate Policy Modeling Forum

December 15, 2013

Dr. Jim Williams, Dr. Elaine Hart, Ben Haley, and Snuller Price presented their work on the PATHWAYS model, a tool …

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