Impacts of a Successor to the Net Energy Metering (NEM) Tariff
E3 created a public tool to evaluate the impacts of a successor to the existing net energy metering (NEM) tariff …
Engaging Utilities and Regulators on Transportation Electrification
A growing number of auto-makers have introduced plug-in electric vehicles in California and other markets. Industry observers generally agree that …
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction Study
E3 presented the results of a new greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction study for California's energy and environmental regulators at the …
Greenhouse Mitigation Analysis
Two recent presentations at the North American Carbon Program conference in Washington D.C. highlight E3's work on greenhouse mitigation analysis …
Business Case for Rural Solar Microgrids in India
E3 in collaboration with a world class team has released a study, "Assessing the business case for rural solar microgrids …
Decarbonized Pipeline Gas Study
E3 released a study commissioned by Southern California Gas investigating the use of decarbonized pipeline gas to meet the State's …
Introduction to China’s Energy System
E3 Chief Scientist Dr. Jim Williams and Mr. Trevor Houser, Partner of the Rhodium Group joined forces to present an …
Report: Pathways to Deep Decarbonization in the United States
A research team led by E3 in collaboration with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has published …
E3 Presents at Western Interstate Energy Board Fall Meeting
Arne Olson and Nick Schlag of E3 will participate in the Western Interstate Energy Board's (WIEB's) upcoming fall meeting in …
Valuing Distributed Energy Resources
Kush Patel of E3 presented on developing a cost-benefit methodology for valuing distributed energy resources (DER) at the August 25-26th …
Natural Gas Infrastructure Adequacy in the Western Interconnection
E3 and DNV GL completed the second phase of their investigation into the adequacy of gas infrastructure to meet the …
Water-Energy Avoided Cost Framework
Eric Cutter, Ben Haley, Jim Williams and C.K. Woo of E3 were coauthors on a recent article describing a water-energy …
Pathways to Deep Decarbonization Study
E3 has played a leading role in a new landmark study of what is technically required to deeply reduce global …
California Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) Lessons Learned
E3's Director of Policy and Strategy, Dr. Nancy Ryan, a former member of the California Public Utilities Commission, joined current …