News and Notes

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Impacts of a Successor to the Net Energy Metering (NEM) Tariff

April 5, 2015

E3 created a public tool to evaluate the impacts of a successor to the existing net energy metering (NEM) tariff …

Engaging Utilities and Regulators on Transportation Electrification

March 25, 2015

A growing number of auto-makers have introduced plug-in electric vehicles in California and other markets. Industry observers generally agree that …

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction Study

March 5, 2015

E3 presented the results of a new greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction study for California's energy and environmental regulators at the …

Greenhouse Mitigation Analysis

February 5, 2015

Two recent presentations at the North American Carbon Program conference in Washington D.C. highlight E3's work on greenhouse mitigation analysis …

Business Case for Rural Solar Microgrids in India

February 5, 2015

E3 in collaboration with a world class team has released a study, "Assessing the business case for rural solar microgrids …

Decarbonized Pipeline Gas Study

January 18, 2015

E3 released a study commissioned by Southern California Gas investigating the use of decarbonized pipeline gas to meet the State's …

Introduction to China’s Energy System

November 5, 2014

E3 Chief Scientist Dr. Jim Williams and Mr. Trevor Houser, Partner of the Rhodium Group joined forces to present an …

Report: Pathways to Deep Decarbonization in the United States

November 5, 2014

A research team led by E3 in collaboration with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has published …

E3 Presents at Western Interstate Energy Board Fall Meeting

September 30, 2014

Arne Olson and Nick Schlag of E3 will participate in the Western Interstate Energy Board's (WIEB's) upcoming fall meeting in …

Valuing Distributed Energy Resources

September 5, 2014

Kush Patel of E3 presented on developing a cost-benefit methodology for valuing distributed energy resources (DER) at the August 25-26th …

Natural Gas Infrastructure Adequacy in the Western Interconnection

August 5, 2014

E3 and DNV GL completed the second phase of their investigation into the adequacy of gas infrastructure to meet the …

Water-Energy Avoided Cost Framework

July 9, 2014

Eric Cutter, Ben Haley, Jim Williams and C.K. Woo of E3 were coauthors on a recent article describing a water-energy …

Pathways to Deep Decarbonization Study

July 5, 2014

E3 has played a leading role in a new landmark study of what is technically required to deeply reduce global …

California Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) Lessons Learned

June 5, 2014

E3's Director of Policy and Strategy, Dr. Nancy Ryan, a former member of the California Public Utilities Commission, joined current …

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