Regulatory strategy and litigation support

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Clients turn to E3 consultants to serve as expert witnesses in regulatory and commercial litigation because of our dedication to high-quality, unbiased analysis as well as our technical knowledge and broad industry experience. We have provided testimony and advised clients on regulatory strategy in matters pending before state, provincial, and national authorities.

Our regulatory and litigation support work has included:

  • Testifying on behalf of Oregon Public Utilities Commission staff in support of a methodology we developed to assess the value of customer-owned solar resources
  • Testifying on behalf of the California ISO before the California Public Utilities Commission in San Diego Gas and Electric Company’s successful application to construct the Sunrise Powerlink transmission line
  • Testifying in a commercial arbitration case in Canada regarding policies related to renewable energy procurement and assessment of available transmission capacity
  • Testifying before the Missouri Public Service Commission for an investor-owned utility on cross hedging’s role in managing electricity procurement cost risk
  • Testifying before the Canadian National Energy Board on behalf of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers regarding TransCanada’s Mainline natural gas pipeline restructuring proposal
  • Testifying to the need for utility-scale solar projects before the California Energy Commission


Regulatory strategy and litigation support projects

Regulatory strategy for EV infrastructure pilot | Southern California Edison, 2014
Litigation and regulatory support for large-scale solar thermal plant development | BrightSource Energy, 2010
Litigation: pipeline toll restructuring proposal | Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, 2013–14
Litigation: managing electricity procurement risk | KCP&L Greater Missouri Operations Co., 2011–12
Litigation: assessing solar resources value | Oregon PUC staff, 2016–17

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