Caitlin McMahon

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Caitlin McMahon

Caitlin McMahon supports E3’s work in distributed energy resources analysis. She creates, tests, and utilizes python code to process input data and visualize electrification forecast results for the Forecasting Anywhere model. Prior to E3, Ms. McMahon completed research at Stanford while earning a master’s degree in Energy Resources Engineering. Her research focused on enhancing demand response in commercial buildings. She previously interned in the Grid Modernization group at National Grid and in the Electrical Engineering department at the New York Power Authority.

 From a young age, Caitlin has been passionate about the reliable and cost-effective transition to a clean energy sector. Caitlin’s interests stem from her undergraduate years at Union College, where she created models to optimize the campus microgrid. Caitlin’s internship experiences also shaped her drive to enable decarbonization of the electricity sector.

Outside of her work and research, Caitlin is interested in hiking, spending time outdoors and with family, and creating recipes.

Education: MS, Energy Resources Engineering, Stanford University; BS, Electrical Engineering, Union College


New York City Long-Term Energy Plan | New York City Mayor’s Office of Climate and Environmental Justice, 2022-2023

E3 led a team completing an inclusive, year-long study to identify the policies and programs needed to achieve the New York City’s decarbonization goals. E3’s analysis involved both examining policies and programs to meet the city’s long-term goals as well as providing specific recommendations for actions to be taken during the current administration. The study included eight research branches focused on the performance and cost of heat pumps in new buildings; the affordability of electrification retrofits in rent-regulated housing; the opportunities for electric school bus managed charging and vehicle-to-grid; the potential for in-city wind energy; a screening of public lands for new clean energy development; an assessment of the electric grid readiness for increasing heat pump and EV charging loads; and an evaluation of how bulk energy storage could reduce reliance on in-city fossil generation. Based on E3’s study, New York City published PowerUp NYC, the city’s first Long-Term Energy Plan, which includes 29 clean energy initiatives focused on the city’s energy grid, its buildings, and its transportation sector. Many aspects of the PowerUp NYC, from research topic selection to recommendations, were developed in collaboration with the public, and with the public’s interest at the forefront of the decision-making process. The recommendations of the LTEP are aligned with long-term energy and equity policy mandates from both the city and state and revolve around the needs of NYC residents.

Read the detailed project description.


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