Nathan Miller joined E3’s Asset Valuation team in 2019. With a background in energy economics and finance, he is experienced in financial modeling, energy market analysis, investor due diligence, procurement and contracting, and project financing.
Prior to joining E3, Nate spent six years in Washington, DC as an advisor to investors, developers, utilities, and policymakers on power project planning, development and financing. He has advised on over 10 GW of generation assets in 16 countries and the U.S. covering a range of technologies, including oil and gas, geothermal, solar, wind, biomass, and energy storage.
At E3, Nate works with planners, developers, and investors to evaluate existing and new energy assets under current and future market scenarios to drive investments which deliver long term value while building a decarbonized energy future that sustains communities and the environment.
An East Bay native, he enjoys the outdoors, blues music, and a good board game in between spark spreads and cost curves.
Education: MA, energy and international finance with honors, Johns Hopkins University; BA, international relations and economics with honors, Pomona College