Vanessa Fulgencio has worked in human resources for over 15 years, spanning various industries from health care to media and more recently, tech start-ups.
Vanessa began her career in HR while attending the University of San Francisco where she received her BA in sociology. Throughout her career, she has enjoyed working in the HR Operations space helping companies establish processes, policies, and compliance. In joining E3, she is excited to bring her experience and knowledge in leading our employee experience, talent acquisition, and staff development efforts. She is most interested in continuing to learn about energy policy and the efforts made by investors and regulators to move towards decarbonization through the projects led by the E3 team.
Vanessa has two sons and, along with adding a new puppy to her family, has plenty to keep her busy. She enjoys traveling, eating, dance class, learning new things, and spending time with family and friends. She also loves movies and binge watching her favorite tv shows.
Education: BA, Sociology, University of San Francisco