E3 Managing Partner Dr. Ren Orans will participate in the California Public Utilities Commission and Energy Commission’s Joint En Banc on the Changing Nature of Consumer and Retail Choice, to be held in Sacramento, California on May 19, 2017. The event will launch the agencies’ investigation of how the role of investor owned utilities (IOUs) will change as customer oriented technologies and alternatives to utility service disrupt the traditional industry structure and regulatory framework. The agencies project that as many as 80% of the IOUs’ customers may be receiving some sort of service from alternative sources or providers by the mid- 2020s. Dr. Orans will moderate a panel discussion in which executives from California’s three large IOUs will offer their perspectives, and will join other thought leaders in the closing panel, which will focus on potential structures for retail electric markets and investor owned utilities.
To learn more about this event please visit the CPUC’s website